Sunday, June 04, 2006


I'm going to add as many links as I can to other men's rights/anti-feminist websites, but just because I have a link doesn't mean I agree with everything or even anything said on that site. I expect you to make up your own minds.

If you own one of the sites, and don't want a link send me a mail. I don't want to piss anyone off. Well, apart from feminists anyway.

I'm adding links because all the search engines order results based on the number of links made to a site, and in this small way I advertise men-rights and antifeminism. If you have a site, and link to mine, you'll be helping too. I will probably add some references to feminist sites, but they won't be active links - I'm not giving them a free ride.


In case anyone cares.

I'm in my 30s. I'm not married, and I have a decent job. Actually I'm a statistician. I've got a Masters degree in statistics and I'm a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society.

One of the things that really annoys me about feminists is the way they distort and abuse statistics. They are just as bad, if not worse, than politicians. While I'm on the topic, Disraeli got it wrong when he said "There are lies, damned lies and statistics". What he should have said was "There are liars, damned liars and politicians". Or feminists, take your pick.

I've never really been a fan of feminism, but I'm getting less and less tolerant of it the older I get, and the more I learn. When I was younger I must have been quite innocent and naive. I can remember seeing "Women's Studies" listed in university prospectuses and wondering what it was, but not enough to actually find out. Why should I be interested in "Women's Studies"? If I'd known then, what I know now, I would have been pretty pissed off about it. These days I am really pissed off that my taxes are used in support that kind of thing in any way. That's one reason I agree with something I've read by Angry Harry (and probably others too). The most important thing to do, right now, for any MRA or antifeminist is to raise awareness of what is happening. To tell everyone they can the truth about feminism and all the damage it is doing to men and society.